be careful as you click away at page after page- these words are fragile and hurt and pain, presented to you with the hopes that you can catch the glimpses of my heart behind them. and if you look closer, inside of you too.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

this girl whose name i won't say

it's kind of scary, how so many
beautiful people don't know how
amazing they truly are.

and they think they have no where
to belong, when so many people
wish they would see them.

she's absolutely gorgeous, and
she can't even see it.

is it bad that it makes me want to cry?

she doesn't deserve to be lonely.

f l i g h t (picture)



i'm surrounded by Too Much To Do,
and People To Please.

i don't know what i'm supposed to
be Saying anymore.

so the only valid option is to
sit around, and count my

Diminutive Nothings.


a/n: haven't written a poem like this in a while, this is the first piece i've written in about three moths that hasn't been a slam, or prosetry.